Alexa 自作スキルで音楽再生
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import collections import logging import os from copy import copy from flask import Flask, json,send_file, make_response, send_from_directory from flask_ask import Ask, question, statement, audio, current_stream, logger import glob app = Flask(__name__) app.config['JSON_AS_ASCII'] = False ask = Ask(app, "/") logging.getLogger('flask_ask').setLevel(logging.INFO) def get_music_file_list(music_file): return glob.glob(music_file+"/*") def get_music_file_url_list(music_file_path): result=[] for file_path in music_file_path: result.append("https://"ドメイン名"/music/"+file_path.split('/')[-1]) return result playlist=(get_music_file_url_list(get_music_file_list("./music"))) """ playlist = [ # '', '', '', '', '', '', '', # '', '', '', # '' ] """ class QueueManager(object): """Manages queue data in a seperate context from current_stream. The flask-ask Local current_stream refers only to the current data from Alexa requests and Skill Responses. Alexa Skills Kit does not provide enqueued or stream-histroy data and does not provide a session attribute when delivering AudioPlayer Requests. This class is used to maintain accurate control of multiple streams, so that the user may send Intents to move throughout a queue. """ def __init__(self, urls): self._urls = urls self._queued = collections.deque(urls) self._history = collections.deque() self._current = None @property def status(self): status = { 'Current Position': self.current_position, 'Current URL': self.current, 'Next URL': self.up_next, 'Previous': self.previous, 'History': list(self.history) } return status @property def up_next(self): """Returns the url at the front of the queue""" qcopy = copy(self._queued) try: return qcopy.popleft() except IndexError: return None @property def current(self): return self._current @current.setter def current(self, url): self._save_to_history() self._current = url @property def history(self): return self._history @property def previous(self): history = copy(self.history) try: return history.pop() except IndexError: return None def add(self, url): self._urls.append(url) self._queued.append(url) def extend(self, urls): self._urls.extend(urls) self._queued.extend(urls) def _save_to_history(self): if self._current: self._history.append(self._current) def end_current(self): self._save_to_history() self._current = None def step(self): self.end_current() self._current = self._queued.popleft() return self._current def step_back(self): self._queued.appendleft(self._current) self._current = self._history.pop() return self._current def reset(self): self._queued = collections.deque(self._urls) self._history = [] def start(self): self.__init__(self._urls) return self.step() @property def current_position(self): return len(self._history) + 1 queue = QueueManager(playlist) @app.route('/music/<string:report_id>', methods=['GET']) def report3(report_id): response = make_response() = open("./music/"+report_id, "rb").read() print("./music/"+report_id) downloadFileName = report_id response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=' return response @ask.launch def launch(): card_title = 'Playlist Example' text = 'Welcome to an example for playing a playlist. You can ask me to start the playlist.' prompt = 'You can ask start playlist.' return question(text).reprompt(prompt).simple_card(card_title, text) @ask.intent('PlaylistDemoIntent') def start_playlist(): speech = 'Heres a playlist of some sounds. You can ask me Next, Previous, or Start Over' stream_url = queue.start() print(stream_url) return audio(speech).play(stream_url) # QueueManager object is not stepped forward here. # This allows for Next Intents and on_playback_finished requests to trigger the step @ask.on_playback_nearly_finished() def nearly_finished(): if queue.up_next: _infodump('Alexa is now ready for a Next or Previous Intent') # dump_stream_info() next_stream = queue.up_next _infodump('Enqueueing {}'.format(next_stream)) return audio().enqueue(next_stream) else: _infodump('Nearly finished with last song in playlist') @ask.on_playback_finished() def play_back_finished(): _infodump('Finished Audio stream for track {}'.format(queue.current_position)) if queue.up_next: queue.step() _infodump('stepped queue forward') dump_stream_info() else: return statement('You have reached the end of the playlist!') # NextIntent steps queue forward and clears enqueued streams that were already sent to Alexa # next_stream will match queue.up_next and enqueue Alexa with the correct subsequent stream. @ask.intent('AMAZON.NextIntent') def next_song(): if queue.up_next: speech = 'playing next queued song' next_stream = queue.step() _infodump('Stepped queue forward to {}'.format(next_stream)) dump_stream_info() return audio(speech).play(next_stream) else: return audio('There are no more songs in the queue') @ask.intent('AMAZON.PreviousIntent') def previous_song(): if queue.previous: speech = 'playing previously played song' prev_stream = queue.step_back() dump_stream_info() return audio(speech).play(prev_stream) else: return audio('There are no songs in your playlist history.') @ask.intent('AMAZON.StartOverIntent') def restart_track(): if queue.current: speech = 'Restarting current track' dump_stream_info() return audio(speech).play(queue.current, offset=0) else: return statement('There is no current song') @ask.on_playback_started() def started(offset, token, url): _infodump('Started audio stream for track {}'.format(queue.current_position)) dump_stream_info() @ask.on_playback_stopped() def stopped(offset, token): _infodump('Stopped audio stream for track {}'.format(queue.current_position)) @ask.intent('AMAZON.PauseIntent') def pause(): seconds = current_stream.offsetInMilliseconds / 1000 msg = 'Paused the Playlist on track {}, offset at {} seconds'.format( queue.current_position, seconds) _infodump(msg) dump_stream_info() return audio(msg).stop().simple_card(msg) @ask.intent('AMAZON.ResumeIntent') def resume(): seconds = current_stream.offsetInMilliseconds / 1000 msg = 'Resuming the Playlist on track {}, offset at {} seconds'.format(queue.current_position, seconds) _infodump(msg) dump_stream_info() return audio(msg).resume().simple_card(msg) @ask.session_ended def session_ended(): return "{}", 200 def dump_stream_info(): status = { 'Current Stream Status': current_stream.__dict__, 'Queue status': queue.status } _infodump(status) def _infodump(obj, indent=2): msg = json.dumps(obj, indent=indent) if __name__ == '__main__': if 'ASK_VERIFY_REQUESTS' in os.environ: verify = str(os.environ.get('ASK_VERIFY_REQUESTS', '')).lower() if verify == 'false': app.config['ASK_VERIFY_REQUESTS'] = False,host="")
{ "interactionModel": { "languageModel": { "invocationName": "テスト", "intents": [ { "name": "AMAZON.HelpIntent", "samples": [] }, { "name": "PlaylistDemoIntent", "slots": [ { "name": "music", "type": "AMAZON.SearchQuery" } ], "samples": [ "再生" ] }, { "name": "AMAZON.StopIntent", "samples": [] }, { "name": "AMAZON.CancelIntent", "samples": [] }, { "name": "AMAZON.PauseIntent", "samples": [] }, { "name": "AMAZON.ResumeIntent", "samples": [] }, { "name": "AMAZON.PreviousIntent", "samples": [] }, { "name": "AMAZON.StartOverIntent", "samples": [] }, { "name": "AMAZON.NextIntent", "samples": [] } ], "types": [] } } }