opnsense 18.7.2 リリース


FreeBSD 11.1のサポート期限が迫って来ています。まあなんとかなるのでしょう(白目)

Good day folks,
Lots of third party security updates, plugin updates and minor enhancements
in overall system reliability.
In other news the firewall alias API has been finished in the development
version.  If you use the development version you cannot go back to the
production version until the API has been released there as well, which is
probably 18.7.3 so not too far away.  We are happy about all reports of the
new alias pages and API usability.
We will soon begin the migration work for FreeBSD 11.2 for 19.1, but please
keep in mind that we will be issuing security advisories to 11.1 when they
arise even beyond the original end of life policy.
Here are the full patch notes:


私達はこれから、19.1(FreeBSD 11.2ベース)の開発を行います。現行の18.xのベースバージョンであるFreeBSD 11.1は 、2018年9月30日にサポートが終了されることに留意してください。
